Wide nose ethnic rhinoplasty: who can get it and what are the benefits?

Part 6: Wide nose ethnic rhinoplasty
Welcome to the sixth part of our guide on ethnic rhinoplasty.
We will discuss here what is wide nose ethnic rhinoplasty.

If you are considering getting nose surgery, wide nose ethnic rhinoplasty might be your answer! Wide nose ethnic rhinoplasty specifically focuses on reducing the width of the nasal features. This nose surgery balances your facial components with each other by reducing your wide-looking nasal structure.

As there are so many different ethnic backgrounds of people, a rhinoplasty operation based on your wide nose ethnic features would be a good option for you to avoid any botched operation. The most known individualized ethnic rhinoplasty procedures are Hispanic rhinoplasty, African-American rhinoplasty, Asian rhinoplasty, and Middle Eastern rhinoplasty.

Here, you will find everything you need to know about how a wide nose ethnic nose job can help you if you have a different ethnic background. 

What does “wide nose ethnic rhinoplasty” refer to?

When you talk about wide nose ethnic rhinoplasty, or simply wide nose ethnic nose job, you’re talking about the correction of wide noses of people who have Asian, African, Hispanic, or Middle Eastern descent. This type of ethnic nose job works on wide noses not only enhancing your beauty but also keeping your heritage intact.

Wide nose rhinoplasty focuses on balancing facial and nasal features. Patients may look for a narrowed nasal bridge, nostrils, and tip to give their nose a more refined appearance. Cartilage grafts made from the septum, ear, or rib may be used to attain these desired results.

Most people can benefit from the advantages of ethnic rhinoplasty with a wide nose, though certain requirements for the procedure might be necessary. And with that said brings us to the next question.

Wide nose ethnic rhinoplasty
Wide nose ethnic rhinoplasty

Who is a good candidate for wide nose ethnic rhinoplasty?

Whether you are a Hispanic patient, Asian patient, African-American patient, or Middle-Eastern patient, there is room for everyone to get a well-defined natural nasal appearance. Everyone can benefit from ethnic rhinoplasty surgery tailored for wide noses to reduce their broad nasal bridge and broad or bulbous tip. To achieve these desired results you should:

  • Be over 16 years old:
    Your nose completes its growth after a certain age. Generally, it is recommended to get the surgery after you turn 16.
  • Be in good health:
    This means no chronic heart disease or diabetes. Some allergy and kidney tests might also be conducted before the surgery.
  • Have realistic expectations:
    With rhinoplasty surgery, you can achieve lots of things, however, it is not a miracle.

As you can see it is available to anyone except those who have specific conditions. When strong communication is established between patient and doctor, a harmonious change in your facial features is not a dream. You might be wondering what can you get from this surgery as well.

What do people expect from wide nose ethnic rhinoplasty?

This operation can be extremely advantageous for reducing a wide nose and building confidence for patients who have different ethnic heritages than Caucasians. As well as offering the opportunity to reshape a flat nose, reduce nostril size or define your nasal tip, it may also help your breathing. Here is an overview of everything one could expect from a wide-nose ethnic rhinoplasty.

You want to preserve the ethnic appearance

Preserving your ethnic identity is one of the main concerns of any ethnic rhinoplasty procedure. Any person from different parts of the world who has various ethnic backgrounds can protect their heritage with the help of a wide nose ethnic nose job.

You want to correct a flat nose

The flat-looking nose is a common issue for people who have African or Asian descendants (1). After getting wide nose ethnic rhinoplasty surgery by addressing flat and wide bridge, your surgeon will elevate your nose height. Consequently, your nasal structure will look much more vertical. This technique not only gives you a better-projected nose but also reduces your wide nasal bridge.

You want to reduce your nostrils size

If you have largely winged, or in other words flared nostrils, your surgeon makes delicate calculations and reduces their sizes. Having flared nostrils is generally what gives you a bulbous nose look, and surgeons can easily address this problem with the help of specialized reduction techniques.

You want to define a nasal tip

Defining an ill-defined or poorly rotated nasal tip is a common procedure for almost every ethnic nose surgery. To create a more harmonious nose angle with the rest of your face, surgeons use various techniques, such as grafting or tip plasty.

Inhale at your best

The surgery not only corrects your look but also gives you such a good-conditioned nose that you will enjoy fresh breathing. Most of the time, ethnic rhinoplasty is your only option to prevent any collapse and maximize your breathing functions.

Improved self-confidence

With the help of this surgery, your self-esteem will improve. The way you look does not affect your entire social standing but definitely has some benefits when you feel positive about the way you look. 

What are the surgical approaches for wide nose ethnic rhinoplasty?

Some of the surgical techniques are specialized to give you a smaller or better-functioning nose while protecting your heritage. Mostly reducing your bridge size, and defining your nasal tip as in any nose job surgery should be necessary. And some of them are unique to give you natural beauty, such as skin defeating or different types of cartilage usage. We simply explained every one of which in here.

  • Osteotomy:
    With the help of special tools your surgeon reshapes your wide nasal bridge to enhance your beauty. It is a delicate technique requiring years of experience and good communication with the patient.
  • Tip plasty:
    To reduce and define your wide nasal tip, surgeons perform tip plasty. It requires precise calculations and delicate excisions to make your nose smaller while protecting your ethnic identity.
  • Alarplasty:
    The nostrils are reduced with a technique called alarplasty. The wings of your nostrils are cut and overlapped to reduce their width
    . Your nose will fit into your face perfectly thanks to alarplasty.
  • Cartilage grafting:
    Cartilage grafting is the method to preserve your nasal functionality. This approach is actually one of the most important techniques for wide ethnic rhinoplasty. Generally, it is the cartilage grafting techniques that make the difference from a traditional rhinoplasty.
  • Augmentation:
    Augmentation is not a technique but an aim. One of its making goals is to correct a flat bridge. It can be achieved with the different techniques we mentioned above and it helps you get a more prominent nose that is elevated in your face.
  • Closed or open approach:
    It is possible to perform your surgery with the open or closed rhinoplasty approach. The closed approach involves less incision while the open approach makes it much easier to operate on your nose. Your surgeon will offer you the best suitable option.
  • Skin-defeating:
    Depending on your genetics, you might have thicker skin that can hide the results of the surgery. Skin defeating extracts the extra oily skin layers to make the changes much more visible (2).

Choosing the right surgeon for wide nose ethnic rhinoplasty

Always keep in mind that choosing a surgeon who is experienced in your ethnic background is important. Facial plastic surgeons or ENT specialists are what you should look for to protect your nose shape. Any clinic where you decided to get the surgery should be able to provide you with lots of examples of their previous works.

A good surgeon always considers the patient’s individual differences and offers the most suitable option for every one of their patients. There is no one size fits all rhinoplasty technique and you deserve nothing less than that.


(1) Park J, Suhk J, Nguyen AH. Nasal Analysis and Anatomy: Anthropometric Proportional Assessment in Asians-Aesthetic Balance from Forehead to Chin, Part II. Semin Plast Surg. 2015;29(4):226-231. doi:10.1055/s-0035-1564818 Link

(2) Ishii CH. Current update in asian rhinoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2014;2(4):e133. Published 2014 May 7. doi:10.1097/GOX.0000000000000081 Link

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