Skin care after rhinoplasty: How to keep the skin shiny and healthy

Rhinoplasty surgery is a delicate procedure that needs recovery instructions to achieve marvelous results. As much as the shape of your nose is important, so does the skin care after rhinoplasty. Especially, if you are taking care of your skin delicately, and it takes an important place in your daily care, you would like to know how to handle your skin care routine after this cosmetic surgery.

First of all, you should know that during your healing process, it will not be possible for you to continue your daily routine of yours as usual. Complete healing can take up to a year, during which it’s important to avoid interfering with the recovery process. Once most of the swelling has subsided, you can gradually incorporate skincare products into your routine.

You will have to follow a delicate order. A week or two passes without any intervention. And after a period of patience with gentle movements and specifically chosen products, skincare continues. Read on to discover valuable tips on skin care after rhinoplasty.

How to keep your skin healthy and glowing after surgery?

There will be stitches and healing incisions after a rhinoplasty operation on your nose. These cannot be taken lightly during your rhinoplasty recovery, we want you to understand the importance of this first. Before we start, let’s see what expects your skin during the first days after nose surgery.

  • Your nose may be more oily after a week of tape and cast.
  • Not just your nose but generally your face will be swollen.
  • Nose bleeding, crusting, and itching may be seen.
  • For some patients, bruising is expected around the eyes.
  • The skin over the nose will be sensitive to over-interference.

Because of these reasons, it is crucial to understand the significance of skin care during the recovery process following rhinoplasty surgery. Especially for those who have skincare as a routine activity should know that the recovery process is far more important to achieve the best results. Here, we explained some of the key factors to help you achieve that healthy skin.

Key factors to keep in mind

Surgical procedures involve lots of delicate techniques and so does the recovery. You will be asked to keep yourself hydrated. Other than that you should be patient and follow every instruction your doctor gave at this delicate time for your nose. And the best skin care product during this time will be using sunscreen. Here, we explained them all for you, starting with the essence of life, water.

Hydration is important

Never forget the power of drinking water, dehydration is the enemy of skin. Every day approximately 2 liters of water consumption is recommended for healthy glowing skin. It is an inexpensive way of improving your skin health. Some of the many benefits of drinking water for your skin are:

  • Increased skin elasticity
  • Helps with dry skin problems
  • Pores become smaller
  • Less acne and pimple formation
  • Reduced wrinkles
  • Speeds up the healing process

Be patient, and gentle on your nose

Usually, you might be handling black pores, acne, blackheads, and other annoying skin problems the moment you see them, but this time let them be there for a while. While trying to get rid of these you might damage the inner structure and may even cause permanent problems.

Postpone massaging the scrub, chemical peels, and pore strips for 3-4 weeks after surgery, and only begin using these aggressive treatments when your surgeon allowed you.

Sunscreen works very well

Using sunscreen will help you keep away from the dangers of UV lights and possible sunburns. It is especially crucial to keep your incision sites out of the sun. Besides you may opt for a hat, and umbrella if necessary.

While it is important to use a high-SPF sunscreen, the ones with over 45 SPF may clog your pores. It is best to use sunscreen between 30-45 SPF, whenever you go out, to protect yourself from UV lights even if it is not sunny.

The cloudy days in summer should not deceive you since the UV lights can penetrate the clouds. Sun exposure after rhinoplasty should be taken seriously.

Know the products to avoid after rhinoplasty

If you know which products or chemicals are harmful to your sensitive skin after a rhinoplasty operation, you reduce the chances of complications. In your daily basis skincare routine, there may be lots of products to keep your skin glowing, but some of them are not suitable following your rhinoplasty operation fragrance is one of them.


There are odorless and odor-free products, make sure you get the fragrance-free ones. You can be easily tricked by an “unscented” label, though unscented means the odors of the products are masked, not removed. For example, if you are allergic to lavender, then your sensitive skin healing period may be disrupted.


Most makeup products are not skin-friendly, and that is why it is best to avoid them. Makeup products dry your skin and clog the pores causing more oily skin over your face. Besides, since your skin will be more fragile during this time, you may show some unknown allergic reactions at this time.


It is best to avoid chemical, physical, or enzyme exfoliants for about a month after the surgery. If you have sensitive skin or had a rough surgery, this can be longer though. You should ask your surgeon about when to start using exfoliants, they can give you a specific timeline.

How to apply the skin care products after rhinoplasty

Keeping your skin clean is good but only with the right products and the correct application will give you a healthy recovery. You can apply the non-allergic skin care products with gentle pressure after most of the swelling is gone and when your critical recovery period is over.

  • During the first week: You do not need to apply anything on your nose, simple cleaning with a wet cloth should be enough. Keep the nasal cast dry.
  • After your cast is removed: You may gently start using moisturizers and cotton pads.
  • After a few weeks: As long as you are gentle around the nasal region, you may use cleansers, and wearing makeup will be possible.
  • After a few months: You may start following regular skincare but still need to choose the less chemical including gentle products.
  • After a year: Up to now your recovery procedures must have ended, and you can use the regular products that you use, with electronic devices.

Common questions on skin care after rhinoplasty

Keeping your skin looking glorious is hard work to do, and you may have further questions about post-surgery skin care. Here we answered some of the specific questions on cleansers, and electronic devices. Hope you can find your answers here.

When can I start using skincare products after rhinoplasty?

You can cleanse the tip and bridge area of your nose after the splints and bandages are removed. Until then only use water to cleanse your nose within the first week. Using warm water without getting your cast wet will do the best. Generally, it is best to follow your skincare in the morning or before your bedtime.

You should be able to turn back to your regular skin care regimen after 6 months to a year. Follow your appointments and ask your surgeon for your own specific course of healing, and when can you return to your classic routine.

How do I cleanse my skin after rhinoplasty?

Using thermal springs and micellar water will provide you with soothing healing effects and prevent possible acne formation. In addition, you can use wet cotton balls and astringent pads to gently rub around your skin with gentle pressure. Astringent cleansers help your healing, tighten pores, and dry out oil. Make sure your cleanser is pH-balanced.

Can I wear makeup after rhinoplasty?

Yes, you can wear makeup 2-3 weeks after rhinoplasty. The exact time varies from one person to another, but you may be able to start wearing makeup after your doctor informed you. If you had an open rhinoplasty operation, make sure to avoid stitches and healing incisions away from any makeup product.

If you used any makeup and want to cleanse it without rubbing it too harshly, you can use micellar water. You can easily sweep the makeup on the face with soaked micellar water cotton pressure.

How about electronic facial devices?

Any harsh vibration and sucking effect on your nose, possibly will cause irritation and increase complication risks. That is why it is best to avoid devices like microcurrent, guasha, microdermabrasion, and facial cleaning devices for the first month.

Can I use acne medications after rhinoplasty?

Generally, acne medications need to be stopped before undergoing a nose job surgery. Some of the topical creams and medications for acne can dry out your nasal skin so it is best to consult your surgeon. Depending on your skin type and proper evaluation of your medications they should be able to give you an exact answer.


Jourdan M, Madfes DC, Lima E, Tian Y, Seité S. Skin Care Management For Medical And Aesthetic Procedures To Prevent Scarring. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2019 Oct 25;12:799-804. doi: 10.2147/CCID.S218134. PMID: 31695468; PMCID: PMC6820568.


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