Is rhinoplasty worth it? The decision-maker’s guide to rhinoplasty

Choosing whether to get rhinoplasty or not might be one of the significant choices of your life. It is an important decision to make for people who are not content with their noses. Not every person is comfortable with undergoing such a delicate surgery. Whether it be the post-operative risks and complications, or the doubt of an unsatisfactory result, there are different aspects of this procedure that will make you ask if is rhinoplasty worth it at all.

Some people have breathing difficulties or may feel dissatisfied with the appearance of their noses. In situations like these, undergoing rhinoplasty is almost inevitable. For this reason, we have prepared an eye-opening guide to help you decide in a healthier way. In this article, you will learn about the upsides and downsides of rhinoplasty, what to look for before the surgery, and other options to take into consideration.

Without getting you any more hyped up, let’s answer the question “is rhinoplasty worth it”, and see how suitable it is for your case.

A new nose, a new you? Determining the worth of rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a precursor of many benefits for its patients. An ideal rhinoplasty has the potential to make every patient’s wishes come true. Ranging from aesthetic goals to functional operations, thanks to its high success rate, rhinoplasty can be a game changer for anyone who wants to undergo surgery.

But of course, like any other medical operation, rhinoplasty may lead to some inconveniences as well. The fragile structure of the nose makes rhinoplasty a fairly complicated operation.

  • A balanced facial appearance:​

Many rhinoplasty patients complain about the fact that their nose is not proportionate to their face. Sometimes it’s too big, sometimes it’s too small. Rhinoplasty is the only operation that addresses this issue and the best way to fix it.

  • Improved exercise:

Due to its positive effects on breathing problems, rhinoplasty can elevate your performance when you work out.

  • Treating the broken nose:

After injuries or accidents, people can end up with a broken nose. Because it both fixes the damaged structure and enhances the appearance, rhinoplasty is an effective way of treating a broken nose.

  • Better sleep:

Sleep deficiencies such as sleep apnea are generally the result of breathing problems. When combined with septoplasty, rhinoplasty is used in order to get rid of these issues. This is called septorhinoplasty.

  • Sinus issues:

Nasal obstruction can cause nasal congestion and headaches. People who experience this kind of sinus problem can go for a rhinoplasty.

  • Recovery from the surgery:

Although the patients are free to leave the hospital after a short time following the surgery, the first couple of days may not be pleasant for them. During these days, patients experience swelling and bleeding which are completely normal.

  • Being the ideal candidate:

Not every person is eligible for a rhinoplasty. People have nasal features unique to their own. And sometimes, this uniqueness can raise difficulties for rhinoplasty. In getting the best result from rhinoplasty, patients should make sure that they are checking all the boxes for a nose job. 

  • Cost of the surgery:

Rhinoplasty pricing is an interesting topic. Different types of rhinoplasties will have different costs. And these rhinoplasty costs will differ depending on in which country you are getting the surgery.

  • Skin type:

A patient’s skin type can be a determining factor in a rhinoplasty procedure. While thin skin makes it easier for the surgeon to operate on the nose, thick skin does the opposite. 

After talking about some of the advantages and tricky parts of rhinoplasty, now we can mention other factors for a final touch.

Factors to consider when deciding if rhinoplasty is worth it

Now that we laid out some of the upsides and downsides of rhinoplasty, it is time to touch on the main factors that concern every rhinoplasty patient.

Success Rates

According to a study, the rhinoplasty satisfaction rate is around %83 for women and %56 for men. Surgeons explain this phenomenon by indicating that male patients are not as successful as female patients when describing their expectations prior to surgery(1). This rhinoplasty fact alone shows that preoperative evaluation is the key to a successful rhinoplasty procedure.

Risks and Complications

Although they are not that common, risks and complications related to rhinoplasty are worth mentioning. Rhinoplasty complications occur during the recovery period. These complications should be considered normal if they are not too severe. To name a few; bleeding, swelling, bruising, and infection are among the most common complications.

Emotional benefits

Undergoing a rhinoplasty has numerous psychological benefits for patients. After obtaining their dream nose and improved appearance, patients gain self-confidence and self-esteem, which helps them be more active and productive in their work and personal lives. The other important outcome of rhinoplasty is enhanced breathing quality. Following the surgery, patients are much more comfortable doing exercises and working out which ultimately reduces the stress level.

Financial Considerations

Financing your rhinoplasty can be disappointing because it is not covered by insurance unless it is a functional operation, which means it has to be necessary for you to undergo surgery.

Therefore, it’s important to budget accordingly to make the procedure more affordable. Don’t let financial worries stand in the way of your dream procedure! With smart budgeting and financing options like payment plans, medical loans, or even with medical tourism options that includes all-inclusive rhinoplasty packages, you can make your dream a reality without breaking the bank.

Other patients’ experiences

It is very important for rhinoplasty patients to check out other patients’ results who underwent a similar type of surgery. In this way, they can have a better idea of what to expect and what to do to achieve their goals.

So much for the surgical rhinoplasty. However, do not forget that there are other types of rhinoplasty that don’t actually require any surgical operation. Now, let us turn our attention to them.

Do I have any alternatives to rhinoplasty?

If what you need is a minor operation, a nonsurgical rhinoplasty may be a good choice for you. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is done when the patient presents minor nasal issues and is eligible for a non-surgical operation. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is done through the usage of a liquid material injected into the nose. In contrast to surgical rhinoplasty, the outcome of non-surgical rhinoplasty is only temporary and lasts up to 6 months.

If you are willing to get one, you should know that it is suggested only if you need to:

  • Increase the size of your nose.
  • Improve the appearance of the tip of your nose.
  • Even out any uneven surfaces.
  • Straighten a minutely deviated nose.

Liquid rhinoplasty usually takes 45 mins to get done. During the operation, a topical anesthetic is applied to the specific area of the nose. And then the liquid material or dermal filler is injected. Dermal fillers that are used in non-surgical rhinoplasty have different types. But mostly hyaluronic acid (HA) is preferred.

To sum up, so far we have tried to answer the question “Is rhinoplasty worth it”. We’ve touched upon the general benefits and risks of getting rhinoplasty, key factors to consider before the surgery, and alternatives to rhinoplasty if there are any. If you still have questions please feel free to contact us about any topic you are curious about.


1. Ibrahim Khansa, MD, Lara Khansa, PhD, Gregory D. Pearson, MD, Patient Satisfaction After Rhinoplasty: A Social Media Analysis, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 36, Issue 1, January 2016, Pages NP1–NP5,

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