Ultrasonic rhinoplasty: details, approaches, pros and cons

This is the fifth step of your 8 part journey into the exclusive guide on rhinoplasty types. 

The field of rhinoplasty is constantly evolving to offer new techniques with the least complication and best outcomes. The latest development in nose surgery is ultrasonic rhinoplasty, which uses advanced technology and techniques to achieve a less traumatic surgical procedure.

This invasive surgery type delivers a more precise and controlled approach to nose surgery, making it increasingly popular among surgeons and patients alike. But what exactly is ultrasonic rhinoplasty, and how does it work?

Stay with us until the end of this article to understand all the details.

What is ultrasonic rhinoplasty?

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty, also known as diamond rhinoplasty, is a new branch of nose surgery done by a device that uses high-frequency ultrasonic waves to make precise cuts on nasal bones and hard cartilage. This is where medicine meets physics. The device is called a piezotome and that’s why ultrasonic rhinoplasty is also known as piezo rhinoplasty.

In traditional rhinoplasty, the surgeon uses a hammer, rasps, and chisels to reshape the nasal structures. However, these tools can cause small unintended fracture lines and damage to the soft tissue of the nose. Ultrasonic rhinoplasty, on the other hand, is a procedure with less harm. This is because the ultrasonic vibrations selectively work on bones and hard cartilage while leaving soft tissue unharmed. The reason is that only the bone and hard cartilage can absorb this range of frequency.

Is ultrasonic rhinoplasty permanent?

Yes. The results of ultrasonic nose surgery are permanent and lifelong. The changes made on the nasal bone through a piezo rhinoplasty are irreversible, just like any other surgical rhinoplasty type. The difference here is that the modifications on the nose are made by ultrasound waves instead of traditional rhinoplasty instruments. These ultrasonic instruments create lifelong changes on the nose, thus the results are permanent. 

How does ultrasonic rhinoplasty work?

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that is done under general anesthesia. The surgeon performs this surgical procedure through the open rhinoplasty approach. This is to give better exposure to the underlying nasal structures so the surgeon can put the device on the nasal bone. To begin the procedure, the surgeon makes a small incision on the skin between the nostrils. They then lift the nasal skin and position the piezotome.

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty uses high-speed ultrasound waves to accurately reshape bone and dense tissues, without harming other tissues. As a result, rhinoplasty via ultrasonic technology is less traumatic yet yields more precise contouring of the nose.

Is piezo rhinoplasty safe?

Yes, piezo rhinoplasty is a safe surgical procedure. The use of these high-frequency sound waves helps preserve the delicate soft tissue of the nose while making calculated breaks on the nasal bone. Since it only affects dense substances, such as bones and hard cartilages, there is very little chance of bleeding. An experienced surgeon is highly skilled at using piezotome and avoiding inadvertent fractures.

Are there any risks of ultrasonic rhinoplasty?

Just like any other surgical procedure, ultrasonic piezo rhinoplasty might carry some risks and side effects such as infection, bleeding, and dryness of the nasal cavity. However, thanks to the less damaging and invasive nature of this type of rhinoplasty these risks are greatly lower compared to traditional nose surgeries.

On the other hand, the open approach might increase the of visible scarring. Following the surgeon’s post-op instructions and avoiding smoking for at least 1 month after the surgery, decrease this chance.

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty pros and cons

Let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this nose surgery procedure. Knowing them helps you make your decision accordingly, and therefore, be fully prepared for what is about to come. A wise decision with complete awareness of all different aspects results in less disappointment and more satisfaction. This being said let us see what the pros and cons of ultrasonic rhinoplasty are:

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty prosUltrasonic rhinoplasty cons
  • Less trauma, bruising, swelling, downtime
  • Quicker recovery
  • More control over the process
  • Minimum complications
  • Tailored nose shape
  • Not available everywhere
  • Rather expensive
  • Possibility of scarring

The advantages of having piezo rhinoplasty

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty uses advanced technologies to bring out the best possible result. This developed technique in nose surgery provides many advantages that add up to its growing popularity. Without further ado, let’s see the pros of ultrasonic rhinoplasty one by one!

Less trauma

As a result of the selective work of the high-speed sound waves on bones and dense cartilages, the adjacent soft tissue is unharmed. Precise osteotomies by piezotome prevent the unwanted fracture lines that occur while using hammers and chisels. Compared to the traditional rhinoplasty procedure, this is a less invasive surgery with less trauma to the nasal skeleton and all the surrounding soft tissues.

Less bruising and swelling

Obviously, fewer trauma results in less bleeding, and subsequently less bruising and swelling. When many of the internal nasal structures are untouched, the risk of bruising and swelling after the surgery reduces. In case of any edema and bruising, they will subside earlier rather than a traditional nose surgery.

Quicker recovery

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty procedure causes less trauma and less swelling. So what does it mean? It means that the recovery time is shorter. The recovery period is also easier for piezo rhinoplasty.

Less downtime

The faster you recover from your operation, the earlier you can go back to your work and your normal routines. One benefit that ultrasonic rhinoplasty offers is lesser downtime. After one week you will be able to resume your normal activities. For heavy activities such as strenuous activity, you should wait for 2-3 months. You can always consult your doctor about when to get back to exercise.

More control over the process

With piezo rhinoplasty, the surgeon also has the privilege to manage the surgery better. Piezotome gives the opportunity to control the procedure by making precise cuts on the bones and avoiding unintentional injury to the neighboring structures. The doctor can make changes the way they want more accurately.

Tailored nose shape

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty contributes to creating a nose shape customized for each patient. This boosts the person’s natural beauty. By getting a nose shape that is tailored to their face, patients are extremely satisfied with the results.

Prevents future complication

Another great advantage of piezo rhinoplasty is that it prevents the need for possible revision operation in the future. The selective act on the bone while leaving other tissues untouched and unharmed prevents the weakening of the nasal frame. Years after the surgery, the nose won’t lose its support and strength. The nasal walls won’t collapse and there will be no need for reconstructive surgery.

The disadvantages of piezo nose surgery

Despite the many benefits ultrasonic rhinoplasty has, there are also some disadvantages and complications. Here are the possible cons of ultrasonic rhinoplasty.

It’s not always available

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty is the newest technique in nose surgery, as it was introduced in 2004 and was approved by FDA in 2017. It is not widely used by surgeons all around the world. As with any other type of aesthetic rhinoplasty, it requires further training and practice. So if you want to have an ultrasonic rhinoplasty you should do thorough research.

Rather expensive

Another disadvantage of this rhinoplasty type is that it is rather more expensive than traditional nose surgeries. Using the advanced technology of ultrasound waves, and the piezotome are the main reasons for the higher pricing.

Possibility of scarring

Since this procedure is done through the open approach, an external incision is made on the columella. This incision is usually healed perfectly and leaves no scars. However, it can not be the case for everyone. Some people might have a visible scar which is not very pleasant. Avoiding smoking during the healing period is a big help. Choosing an experienced surgeon who usually works with high precision can help prevent this problem.

Who can get an ultrasonic rhinoplasty?

Ideal candidates for piezo ultrasonic rhinoplasty are those who want to improve their nose shapes with subtle changes and less nasal trauma. You can get an ultrasonic rhinoplasty if you meet the following criteria:

  • You are willing to modify the size and shape of the nose in regard to length and width
  • You are looking to address the dorsal nasal hump
  • You want to Improve a crooked nose and create more symmetry
  • You seek septal deviation correction and associated breathing issues
  • You to smoothen nasal irregularities
  • You are 18 years old or older
  • You are in a complete state of mental and physical health
  • You are a non-smoker or willing to quit smoking at least two weeks before the surgery.

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty recovery

People who undergo ultrasonic rhinoplasty have a shorter recovery period. Where the tissues inside the nose are touched a bit and with high precision, there will be less bleeding and edema. With less bruising and swelling the body is able to recover faster and easierCompared to traditional rhinoplasty, patients experience a quicker and more comfortable recovery.

The recovery time for diamond rhinoplasty is about 1 week. In some rare cases, it can take as long as two weeks. The time period for a traditional rhinoplasty is usually 3 weeks. 

What is the average ultrasonic rhinoplasty price?

Ultrasonic piezo rhinoplasty is a new branch of cosmetic rhinoplasty that uses ultrasonic technology to reshape and contour the nose. This new rhinoplasty type is becoming more popular around the world. Let us take a quick look at ultrasonic rhinoplasty average cost in popular rhinoplasty destinations all over the globe.

CountryUnited StatesUnited KingdomsEuropean countriesTurkey
Average ultrasonic rhinoplasty price5000 – 12000 Euros7500- 12000 Euros

4000 – 6000 Euros

3000 – 5000 Euros

Why is ultrasonic rhinoplasty more expensive?

One part of the higher cost is because of the piezotome device. This is rather an expensive tool and a part of the price can reflect as the surgery fee

Another reason for higher costs is the surgeons’ experience and level of expertise since surgeons who perform piezo rhinoplasty are trained for this procedure. Yet, deciding to have this challenging surgery with a well-trained surgeon can get you the nose shape you have always desired with less complication and more precision. What can be a better deal?

This has been our guide on ultrasonic rhinoplasty. We hope this article has helped you have a clear insight into what this procedure is and what it can do. If you require more information about this new rhinoplasty technique, we will be overjoyed to help you find the answer to all your questions.


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-Barrera JE. Application of Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Technology for Rhinoplasty. Facial Plast Surg Aesthet Med. 2022 May-Jun;24(3):165-167. doi: 10.1089/fpsam.2022.0029. Epub 2022 May 13. PMID: 35559727. Link

-Hjelm N, Goldfarb J, Krein H, Heffelfinger RN, Pribitkin E. Sonic Rhinoplasty: Review and Updated Uses. Facial Plast Surg. 2021 Feb;37(1):107-109. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1714673. Epub 2020 Aug 24. PMID: 32838439. Link

-Goksel A, Tran KN. Open Preservation Rhinoplasty Using the Piezo Electric Instrument. Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2023 Feb;31(1):59-71. doi: 10.1016/j.fsc.2022.08.007. PMID: 36396289.oook Link

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