Male rhinoplasty: The masculine refinement

This is the last step of your 8 part journey into the exclusive guide on rhinoplasty types. 

The nose is a facial feature that draws a lot of attention, and it is common for men to feel self-conscious or dissatisfied with its appearance. Although rhinoplasty is usually associated with women, rhinoplasty for men has a growing popularity. Now, more men are considering undergoing male rhinoplasty. This specialized form of nose surgery is tailored to address the distinctive anatomical and aesthetic concerns of male patients.

After reading this article, you will find every answer to the questions you might have on your mind. You will see how efficient and satisfying it can get in the hands of a skillful surgeon; how it differs from female rhinoplasty; how the operation takes place; what it can change, and tips for the best possible recovery period.

Now let’s dive into the details of this miraculous experience!

The male perspective: What is male rhinoplasty?

Male rhinoplasty is a type of facial plastic surgery that addresses nasal deformities specifically found in male patients due to their characteristic nasal features. In a male rhinoplasty operation, the surgeons’ goal is to straighten the nose and practice dorsal augmentation according to the patient’s complaints.

The aim of men’s rhinoplasty is to address nasal issues including the shape of the nose, deviated nasal structure, and the width of the nose bridge, etc.

It may seem like male rhinoplasty and female rhinoplasty are similar in terms of surgery and outcome. But don’t let this fool you. It is true that male and female rhinoplasty have similarities in nature. However, there are some distinct differences when it comes to male rhinoplasty. 

Masculine refinement: How it differs from female procedures

There are slight differences in an ideal nose shape for males and females, with the male nose having a higher nasion and a straighter profile.

There can be multiple reasons why men have a rhinoplasty type. The most common ones are:

  • Modifying the nasal tip
  • Straightening the septum
  • Enlarging or reducing nostril size
  • Adjusting the angle between the nose and upper lip
  • Reducing humps or bumps of the nose

Of course, these operations are shared by female rhinoplasty as well. However, given the anatomical differences between a male nose and a female nose, surgeons tend to be more careful with the male nose.

From an anatomical point of view, there are not many differences between the male and the female nose. But, these little differences are what make male rhinoplasty somewhat more difficult. The male nose is typically wider and thicker.

When it comes to satisfaction, men can be hard to please. A study has shown that female rhinoplasty patients are found to be more satisfied after the surgery compared to male patients (1). The reason for this is that male patients are either too selective or too confused.

Is male rhinoplasty more difficult?

In some cases, yes. But this is mostly due to the psychological characteristics male patients may manifest.

Preoperative evaluation and analysis can help surgeons to determine which male patients are suitable for the operation.

Male patients can be challenging due to their personality traits. Some men might struggle with listening and clearly expressing their objectives. However, this is a debated topic because there are studies that claim otherwise.

Male rhinoplasty patients often demonstrate characteristics related to anxiety disorders and body dysmorphic disorders (2). Thus, surgeons should do a detailed examination of each patient during the preoperative consultation.

Common worries of men seeking rhinoplasty

There are not many concerns that are directly related to male rhinoplasty. The most observable concerns stem from the differences between male and female patients. For example, a feminized nose is the biggest concern for patients of male rhinoplasty.

Another concern is oversculpting, which can alter the ideal size of the nose.

In addition to the fear of a feminized nose and oversculpting, men may also worry about effectively communicating their expectations during the initial consultation. 

Is there any chance the nose lose its masculine appearance?

If the techniques such as reducing the bridge, narrowing the dorsal lines, and refining the tip are done more than what is needed, the nose can get a more feminine appearance.

The only way to prevent this issue is to find a skilled surgeon and pay the utmost attention during the consultation process.

What are the benefits of male rhinoplasty?

Male rhinoplasty is a type of facial surgery that reshapes the nose for aesthetic or functional purposes. Men can benefit from rhinoplasty in numerous ways. Let’s look at some of them.

✔ If you have complaints about your facial balance or symmetry, male rhinoplasty can do wonders. Any defect that disturbs your facial appearance can be corrected using the appropriate method.

✔ If you are suffering from birth defects such as wide nostrils, a bump on the bridge, or a bulbous nose, don’t look too far; male rhinoplasty is the cure.

✔ Injuries can also be mended with male rhinoplasty. Not only does it heal the injury but it also improves the appearance.

✔ If you think you have difficulty breathing, you may have a deviated septum, which can also be treated by a septorhinoplasty for men.

Are there any risks of undergoing male rhinoplasty?

Given the fragile anatomy of the nose, male rhinoplasty, like any other type of rhinoplasty, carries some risks. Although these are not specifically the result of a nose job operation, male rhinoplasty patients should always be looking out for them.

Here are some of the risks that you might encounter:

  • Bleeding: Bleeding is considered normal to a certain extent. However, in case of excessive bleeding, you should see your doctor instantly.
  • Scarring: If your surgery is done with an open technique, scarring is inevitable. In a successful operation, scars are almost invisible.
  • Numbness around the nose. Many rhinoplasty patients experience numbness in the first couple of weeks. But it is usually temporary and should fade away in a short period of time.
  • Breathing difficulties: The first couple of days patients might have difficulty breathing, which is natural. If you still experience breathing difficulties long after your surgery, it could be a sign of deviated septum which leads to revision rhinoplasty.
  • Septal perforation: Septal perforation or “a hole in the septum” can be caused by infection. If you have discomfort while breathing, blood discharge, or whistling noise while breathing, you may have septal perforation.
  • Discoloration of the skin: Discoloration is caused by the bruising. It is most visible for the first couple of days. But it gradually fades away as the body heals.

Who can perform male rhinoplasty surgery?

Most male rhinoplasty patients typically request minor modifications to their noses in order to maintain a natural look. However, finding a plastic surgeon who has a proper background and a proven track record of successful surgeries in male rhinoplasty is essential for achieving satisfactory outcomes.

This is particularly important as many surgeons primarily specialize in female plastic and cosmetic surgery, making it challenging to find one with the required expertise in male rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty is regarded as one of the most detailed and complicated cosmetic operations practiced today. As a result, male rhinoplasties carried out by a less skilled surgeon may leave the nose looking oversculpted or feminine.

What can male rhinoplasty change?

Male rhinoplasty patients mostly complain about the dorsal hump, wide nasal bones, and poorly defined tip.

Dorsal reduction, tip refinement, and osteotomy are the techniques that are used to address these issues. Certain functional techniques, including septal reconstruction, cartilage grafting, and microfracture of the turbinates may be used in treatment as well.

Dorsal Hump Reduction

The dorsal hump is usually addressed with a method called component dorsal reduction. Component dorsal reduction is used to achieve:

  • A straighter dorsum;
  • Symmetrical and aesthetic dorsal lines;
  • Maintain nasal valve functionality.

Tip Refinement

Compared to women, men have thicker skin, which makes it difficult to operate on the nasal tip. The nose’s thickness can be reduced by removing the soft tissue mass. A droopy tip can be treated by using suture techniques and tip grafts. Here are the changes that can be achieved with tip refinement in men rhinoplasty:

  • Reduction of nose thickness
  • More defined nasal tip
  • Correction of droopy nasal tip


If you got a wide nose or deviated nasal bones, you might need a procedure called external, percutaneous lateral osteotomies. To avoid feminizing the nose, special care should be taken while narrowing the bony vault. Here are the changes that can be achieved in osteotomy:

  • Alteration of the bony framework
  • Correction of deviated nasal bones
  • Correction of an open roof deformity
  • Improvement of breathing
  • Straightening of the nasal bridge
  • Better symmetry of the nose
  • Correction of trauma-related deformities

Recovery and aftercare

It usually requires one to two weeks to recover from treatment, and the nasal outline will improve gradually over time. The swelling also should go away after the first week. But they can appear from time to time throughout the first year.

If it is a simple surgery, you will be allowed to leave the hospital the same day. However, you might need to stay in the hospital for a few days if you’ve had a much more complicated surgery like a broken nose surgery. 

The ultimate results won’t happen for about a year, so plan accordingly. After surgery, the tip of the nose often can feel numb; this sensation will pass as soon as the skin’s nerves begin to regenerate.

Are you asking “what about the aftercare”?

Well, since you won’t be able to drive right after the surgery is done, you might need to find someone to drive you home. It can take two or three days for you to be able to continue your daily life. So, it is best for you to stay at home and not go to work for a couple of days.

For the best outcomes, you should avoid the following for a few weeks:

  • Strenuous physical activities
  • Swimming
  • Blowing your nose
  • Vigorous chewing
  • Facial expressions that of movement
  • Putting on clothes by pulling them over the head.
  • Resting eyeglasses on the nose
  • Aggressive tooth brushing
  • Exposure to sunlight without suncream

The key to a flawless nose job result lies in taking care of your skin post-surgery:

Particularly for males, skin care is crucial to maximizing any surgical outcome. Men might not be particularly interested in skin care in general, but male rhinoplasty patients should acknowledge the value and advantages of skin care.

A skincare routine must include hydrating, using sun cream, and treating any skin problems. Men’s skin is more densely covered in hair, has a lower pH, and produces more sweat.

Men with sensitive skin should use fragrance-free products, while men with acne-prone skin should avoid comedogenic products.

Plus, gentle massaging of the nose area after rhinoplasty can reduce swelling, promote healing and improve blood circulation. However, it’s essential to follow the surgeon’s instructions on when and how to perform nasal massages, as improper massages can potentially cause damage to the surgical site.


(1, 2) Simons RL, Adelson RT. Rhinoplasty in male patients. Facial Plast Surg. 2005 Nov;21(4):240-9. doi: 10.1055/s-2006-939503. PMID: 16575702. Link

3. Winkler AA, Downs BW. Aging male rhinoplasty. Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2008 Aug;16(3):329-335. doi: 10.1016/j.fsc.2008.03.005. PMID: 18620984. Link

4. Rohrich RJ, Mohan R. Male Rhinoplasty: Update. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2020 Apr;145(4):744e-753e. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000006835. PMID: 32221209. Link

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