Non surgical rhinoplasty: get your dream nose with no surgery!

This is the fourth step of your 8 parts journey into the exclusive guide on rhinoplasty types. 

Among cosmetic procedures to improve the shape of the nose, non surgical rhinoplasty has become a popular and common practice. Non-surgical nose jobs have risen in popularity because of their non-invasive nature and fast recovery. This makes them an appealing option for those looking to improve the appearance of their nose without undergoing surgery. But what is exactly nonsurgical rhinoplasty?

In this article, we are going to explain this nose-reshaping procedure. You will learn all the detail about the definition and different types of nonsurgical rhinoplasty. Let us get into this.

What is nonsurgical rhinoplasty?

As the title suggests, this type of rhinoplasty is a procedure that does not involve surgery. Instead, it is a nose-improving approach with no surgery, major invasion, sutures, or surgical difficulties. Although it’s a cosmetic procedure for those seeking minor changes on the nose, the results of non-surgical rhinoplasty are temporary. If the aesthetic goal is to modify the nose shape and not its size, non-surgical rhinoplasty can be the choice. 

Nonsurgical nose job consists of different methods. The most common methods based on what is used for nonsurgical rhinoplasty are fillers, botox, and thread lift. We will explain each of these types shortly.

nonsurgical rhinoplasty

How does nonsurgical rhinoplasty work?

You might be wondering how a non-surgical and non-invasive procedure can change the way the nose looks. The answer lies in a simple injection below the skin. Common injectable treatments for nonsurgical rhinoplasty include dermal fillers, botox, and threads that can reshape the nasal structures.

So, what can non-surgical rhinoplasty change? Dermal filler injections can be used to improve the appearance of the nose. Botox injections are a good option for modifying tip droopiness and lifting the tip. They can also be used to reduce the size of large nostrils. Thread lift rhinoplasty is another option that can lift the bridge of the nose, elevate the tip, and bring more symmetry to the face.

Many surgeons use a combination of dermal fillers and botox for the best possible outcome. They can fill the empty areas in the nose, and help restore the function and appearance of the collapsed structure. This practice in nonsurgical nose jobs includes the benefits of both techniques.

These may sound a bit confusing. So let’s discuss the detail of each of these techniques. 

Dermal fillers

Doctors use various gel or liquid fillers to address the cosmetic issues of the nose that do not need major surgical modifications. The surgeon injects the fillers under the skin of the nose. The injections are made on the areas of the nose where the doctor wants to improve or slightly change. Another name for this type of nonsurgical rhinoplasty is the liquid rhinoplasty procedure. One question that always pops up while considering non-surgical rhinoplasty is “how long does nonsurgical rhinoplasty last?”. Based on the filler longevity, there are three types of dermal fillers: 

Dermal filler typeDuration of effectCommon examplesRemoval 
Temporary6-10 monthsHyaluronic acidRemovable by enzymes
Semi-permanent12-18 monthsPoly-L-lactic acidRemovable, more difficult than temporary fillers
Permanent5 years

Polymethyl methacrylate, Polyacrylamide gel

Removal treatments are difficult and complex

As shown in the table, injectable fillers used in non-surgical rhinoplasty are categorized as temporary, semi-permanent, or permanent based on how quickly the body can absorb them. The body breaks down the temporary dermal fillers within 6 to 10 months. However, the body does not absorb the permanent fillers fast but rather over a long period of time. Semi-permanent injections take a longer time for absorption compared to temporary ones. Yet they stay for a shorter period of time in comparison to permanent nasal fillers. 

What can dermal fillers do?

As we mentioned earlier, this is not a surgical procedure and the results are not permanent. “What can this non surgical rhinoplasty do?” you might ask. In a nutshell, this type of nonsurgical rhinoplasty cannot make major changes to the nasal structures. This procedure can also help address the aesthetic problems caused by trauma or injury. These cosmetic fillers can contribute to a better nasal shape by correcting a number of nose problems. They can: 

  • Camouflage the dorsal bumps, making the nasal bridge straight
  • Straighten a slightly crooked nose and create a more symmetrical nose
  • Give more prominence to the nasal tip or lift it a bit
  • Add more volume and projection to the nose


Nasal botox is a new technique for refining the shape of the nose. Botox is actually a neurotoxin. Very small doses of this toxin are not harmless, but also have cosmetic and treatment effects. The effects of this toxin on muscles and other structures are used for aesthetic purposes. 

This is a non-invasive and painless procedure that takes 5-10 minutes. However, just like temporary fillers, botox injections are short-lived. They last for 4 to 5 months, and if the patient is pleased with the results they should regularly get the injections. 

What can nasal botox do?

Botox is known for its effects on wrinkles on the skin. The same goes for small wrinkles on different parts of the nose. But in addition to this, it can be used for other cosmetic goals such as making minor changes to the nose shape

  • Addressing the droopy tip by working on a small muscle at the lowest part of the nose, between the nostrils. This muscle is like an anchor for the nasal structures. This is a good option for patients who want nasal tip lifting without any operation.
  • Addressing nasal flaring. Botox can prevent the nostrils from expanding. People who want to reduce the size of their nostrils can benefit from this type of rhinoplasty. The results last up to 6 months.
  • Even out any irregularity or asymmetry on the nasal bridge. This is effective especially if this irregularity is caused by bone protrusion. The outcome is a flat and straighter nose.
  • Fill in the hollow spaces on the nose. If the patient is looking for a way to improve the outcome of previous nose surgery but does not wish to undergo revision rhinoplasty botox is the solution.

Thread lift

Also called string rhinoplasty or lunchtime rhinoplasty, thread lift rhinoplasty is a brand-new type of nose-reshaping maneuver. This is a minimally invasive practice that can modify the way the nose looks in a short time. This nonsurgical rhinoplasty is very common among southeast Asians, especially in South Korea, and is less frequent in the western world.  

In this non-surgical rhinoplasty, the surgeon uses dissolvable threads made of polydioxanone. They insert these strings under the skin of the nose. This compatible material stimulates collagen synthesis. The growth in collagen production can help refine the nasal structures. The outcomes of this technique can last for 2 years. Frequent repetition can make the results last longer.

What can thread lift rhinoplasty do?

If you are looking for quick results without surgery and bleeding, string rhinoplasty might be just right for you. Things a nonsurgical thread lift rhinoplasty can do are:

  • Lift the dorsum of the nose and elevate the tip 
  • Create more symmetry by improving the cartilage position. This can address a crooked nose as well.
  • Smoothing a dorsal hump
  • Slightly decrease the length of the nose

How safe is non-surgical rhinoplasty?

This is an undeniable fact that no cosmetic procedure is 100% risk-free. However, precision and caution can increase the safety of the surgery. Like any other nose surgery type, if a meticulous doctor with years of experience performs non-surgical rhinoplasty, it is completely safe. The doctors know the vital structures in the nose anatomy and avoid damaging them by injecting the filler or inserting the string in the safe areas. Therefore the procedure is safe and there’s no need to worry.

Of course, if a person with no academic background or practice attempts to perform nonsurgical rhinoplasty, there will be risks and dangers. Trust your beauty and health to an accomplished surgeon and enjoy the improvements on your nose.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of nonsurgical rhinoplasty?

Just like all other cosmetic procedures, the nonsurgical nose job is associated with advantages and disadvantages. Before you make the final decision, you might want to know about them. Evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of non-surgical rhinoplasty will help you have expectations within realistic limits and enjoy final outcome. Now let’s go through them.

Nonsurgical rhinoplasty advantages

A non-surgical nose job has many benefits to offer to patients who seek improvement in the shape of their noses. These advantages that lead to the growing popularity of this rhinoplasty type are:

  • No downtime after the surgery
  • Short procedure time
  • Minimally invasive and painless process
  • No scars
  • Less expensive compared to the traditional nose surgery

Nonsurgical rhinoplasty disadvantages

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is also associated with a few drawbacks that are noteworthy.

  • Bruising 
  • Swelling and redness on the injection site
  • Feeling pressure and discomfort on the site of the injection
  • Temporary results

However, the bruising, swelling, and pressure on the nose will usually resolve within one or two days.

Are there any risks of nonsurgical rhinoplasty? 

Just like any other cosmetic procedure, nonsurgical rhinoplasty problems can happen. Due to the complex nerve and blood vessel distribution in the nose, risks of serious damage can not be ignored.

Serious nonsurgical rhinoplasty side effects and risks may include:

  • Necrosis
  • Vascular obstruction
  • Nausea

Talk to your doctor immediately if you feel any of the following symptoms:

  • Movement of the filler, the filler might migrate to other parts.
  • Injection site reaction
  • Continuous redness that spreads 
  • Symptoms that suggest an allergic reaction
  • Fever 
  • Blurred vision

What are the criteria to get a nonsurgical rhinoplasty?

People who would like to make smooth changes to their noses without surgery are the main target group of this cosmetic procedure. A patient who is willing to bring more symmetry to their nose rather than reduce the size is an eligible candidate. For example, non-surgical rhinoplasty for a slightly crooked nose can be effective.

Another criterion for nonsurgical rhinoplasty is physical and mental health. The doctor should check the patient’s medical history and ask for any allergies or previous serious conditions. 

Having realistic expectations is of utmost importance. The patient should know that this type of rhinoplasty is not able to create significant changes and the results are not permanent. They should not expect a huge difference.

A non-smoker and healthy adult who wants to improve minor problems on the nose is an eligible candidate for nonsurgical rhinoplasty.

How to find the best surgeon?

Even though it might seem like a simple injection on the nose, we assure you it is not. Considering all the complications that can happen if the filler is injected in the wrong spot, a skilled doctor should do it. A plastic surgeon or an ENT specialist who has an in-depth understanding of facial anatomy and is experienced in nose aesthetic procedures is the best choice. 

One effective way is to look at the before and after non-surgical rhinoplasty pictures of the doctor. Reading the reviews and comments of previous patients can also help in finding the best doctor. 

Nonsurgical rhinoplasty aftercare: recovery timeline and results

Since these rhinoplasty techniques are nonsurgical, the recovery period is short and easy. The patient can immediately see the nonsurgical rhinoplasty results and there’s no need to wait for the healing process to complete. 

Seeing bruising, redness, and a bit of swelling is normal after any type of nonsurgical rhinoplasty procedure. They will start to subside within a few hours after the procedure. Any bruising shall vanish in two weeks. To reduce the inconvenience you can use an ice pack. Based on the type of non surgical rhinoplasty, the optimal outcome can be seen within two weeks once all the swelling and bruising are gone.

There is no downtime for a non surgical nose job. The person can get back to their work or daily routine right after they did a nonsurgical operation. However, for strenuous activities consult with your doctor.

This has been our chapter on non-surgical rhinoplasty. We hope you found the answers to all your questions by reading this article. If you have any further questions regarding this type of rhinoplasty, do not hesitate to ask us. We will be happy to help you get your ideal nose shape through the best techniques.


(1) Rohrich R, Alleyne B, Novak M, Bellamy J, Chamata E. Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty. Clin Plast Surg. 2022 Jan;49(1):191-195. doi: 10.1016/j.cps.2021.08.005. Epub 2021 Oct 9. PMID: 34782136. Link

(2) Mehta U, Fridirici Z. Advanced Techniques in Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty. Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2019 Aug;27(3):355-365. doi: 10.1016/j.fsc.2019.04.008. Epub 2019 May 17. PMID: 31280849. Link

(3) Lee HY, Yang HJ. Rhinoplasty with Barbed Threads. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2018 Nov 13;6(11):e1967. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000001967. PMID: 30881784; PMCID: PMC6414097. Link

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