When can I wear glasses after rhinoplasty?

One great concern of patients with glasses who undergo nose jobs is, “When can I wear glasses after rhinoplasty?” Undoubtedly this is an important matter that should be considered before getting the surgery. Patients should wait for at least 6 weeks after rhinoplasty to resume wearing glasses. But why?

In this article, we will be discussing wearing glasses after nose surgery and the best time to start again. So, if this is also your question, stick until the end of this article to find all your answers.

When can I safely wear glasses after rhinoplasty?

The timeline to resume wearing glasses is crucial. You should wait until the initial healing process is finished and the nasal bone is healed. This takes 4-8 weeks after the rhinoplasty procedure.

Interestingly, you can put on your glasses on your nose splint during the first week following the surgery. This is because this external splint on the nose can bear the weight of the glasses, avoiding any pressure on the healing nasal structures. Yet, it is better to use light glasses to decrease the risks to the lowest.

Once the nose splint is removed, you are not able to have your glasses, whether reading or sunglasses, until the bones are healed.

Factors influencing the timing of wearing glasses

The answer to “When can I wear glasses after rhinoplasty” is directly linked to the factors that affect the recovery time. The shorter the healing and recovery periods, the faster you can resume putting on your glasses. These factors are:

  • Healing of the nasal septum and bone
  • Swelling
  • Patient’s general wellness 

Will wearing glasses affect the rhinoplasty results?

The nasal structures are extremely delicate after the operation. Even the slightest amount of pressure can immensely affect the final result. Wearing glasses also puts pressure on the healing nasal bone and septum, causing deformities such as dentation or depression on the nasal dorsum.

Putting on glasses too soon after the operation, when the initial swelling has not subsided yet, can lead to:

  • Increased swelling
  • Longer healing time
  • Uneven swelling on the nose.

All these may result in the need for a revision rhinoplasty operation to fix cosmetic or functional concerns. 

The healing period is different for each patient but generally takes up to one year. Surgeons suggest wearing lightweight glasses if you do not wish to use other alternatives for a year. The lighter the glasses are, the less force they apply to your nasal bridge and other parts. 

Now, let’s explore these lighter glasses!

Glasses alternatives during recovery

Some patients find it very difficult not to wear their glasses as their vision highly depends on them. On the other hand, they don’t want to ruin their new nose shape. So what to do? Fortunately, there are some alternatives to use during your healing time (1). These options are:

  • Contact lenses
  • Bridgeless glasses
  • Post-surgical glasses
  • Eyeglass support
  • Optic bridge clamps
  • Taping your glasses 

Contact Lenses 

When thinking of alternatives to replace glasses after a nose surgery procedure, the first option that comes to mind is contact lenses. Contact lenses are safe and do not constitute any risk of applying pressure to the delicate bone of your fresh nose. However, eyes might become irritated after a while. Consult with your rhinoplasty surgeon and your ophthalmologist before long-term use of lenses. 

Bridgeless glasses

Normal glasses rest on the bridge of the nose, anchoring on the nasal bone. These frames have no nose pads. Their special design prevents pressure on nasal structures and damage as a result. 

Post-surgical glasses

These glasses are specifically designed to alleviate the pressure from the bridge while being put on the face. Instead of nose pads, they have cheek pads. This allows them to rest on other facial structures rather than the nose, thus keeping the new nose shape unharmed

Eyeglass support

Another option to use after your rhinoplasty surgery is eyeglass support. This device keeps the glasses off the nose, preserving it from trauma and deformity. Also known as an eyeglass holder, this appliance is placed on the head, holding the glasses. 

Optic bridge clamps

Optic bridge clamps are another great solution for wearing glasses after a nose job. The clamps hold the glasses above the nose. They rest on the cheeks and bear the weight of the glasses that were meant to be held by the bridge of the nose. This prevents direct contact between the glasses and the healing nasal bone. As a result, no pressure is applied to the nose. 

Taping your glasses

One easy alternative is to tape your glasses to your forehead using medical tape. This lifts the pressure off the nose. It is an option easily done at home. This might work even better when your glasses are lightweight. 

Before using any of the mentioned options, consult with your rhinoplasty surgeon. A nose job is a customized procedure for each patient, and the healing period is different for each individual. Your surgeon will recommend the best option for you based on your condition. 

Tips for minimizing pressure and discomfort on the nose

You might feel slight inconvenience and even pain when putting on your glasses. Several small tips may help you get rid of this discomfort.

  1. Choose lightweight glasses for the least amount of force on the nasal bridge.
  2. Choose glasses with wide nose pads or make them wider for less pressure.
  3. Take off your glasses every once in a while, and let your nose rest a bit.
  4. Massage your nose gently to help reduce the swelling.

What precautions should I take when wearing glasses?

Even though you can start wearing your glasses 4 – 8 weeks after the operation, you still have to be extremely cautious until your nose is completely healed. After all, you don’t want to harm the nose you have endured so much hardship for.

  • Stay away from children or pets.
  • Use flexible frames.

Children and especially small kids, like to play with eye wears. They drag and pull it off the person’s face. If you recently had nose surgery, this sudden action can hurt your healing nose resulting in indentation or deviation. The same situation can occur while hugging and cuddling pets. Your furry friend can have sudden movements. This can damage the nasal structures. So, be careful around kids and pets when you are having your glasses after rhinoplasty. 

You can face an accident while taking off your glasses for several reasons. For example, it can get stuck in your hair while trying to get it off your eyes. The struggle to set it free can unintentionally put pressure on your fragile nose structure. It is suggested to use flexible light frames with straight temples and wide nose pads to decrease the chances of trauma to the lowest.

Follow your surgeon’s post-op instructions to avoid any trauma and have an easy healing period. 

This has been our article about ” When can I wear glasses after rhinoplasty”. Now you know the best time to resume having your glasses on again and what consideration to take for a risk-free recovery and healing time after your nose surgery with glasses. If you have any further questions, you can always ask us. We are here to help you with your rhinoplasty procedure.


(1) Güneren E, Akbas H, Eroglu L, Demir A. A simple device to support eyeglasses after rhinoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2001 Dec;108(7):2159-60. doi: 10.1097/00006534-200112000-00065. PMID: 11743429.

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