Is revision rhinoplasty worth it?

The revision is one of the most complicated surgical procedures that address the unsatisfactory results of previous surgery. It is understandable that patients might be a bit hesitant about undergoing another surgery when the outcomes of the initial surgery were not appealing. A common question among patients is “Is revision rhinoplasty worth it?”. It depends on many factors. To see if secondary rhinoplasty surgery is worth it, you should consider several different aspects to see if this is the right option for you.

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to have in mind while deciding. We will go through the details and success rates of the revision rhinoplasty procedure and why it is a wise choice to have a secondary rhinoplasty. Without further ado, let us begin. 

What are the success rates of revision rhinoplasty?

Patients who are not pleased with their nose shape after the previous rhinoplasty procedure, require a revision nose surgery. Studies show the average rate of revision rhinoplasty ranges between 5 – 15%. So, it is important to estimate the success rates of revision rhinoplasty to evaluate if it is worth it. New studies have reported a success rate of 87% for patients who had their revision rhinoplasty. (1)

Is revision rhinoplasty worth it?

Revision rhinoplasty can greatly affect the person’s quality of life. People who undergo rhinoplasty expect improvement in the function and aesthetics of their noses. Unsatisfactory results not only impact the person’s physical health but also triggers mental health and self-confidence. It is really worth it to undergo a secondary rhinoplasty procedure to solve the problems of your nose caused by the initial nose job.

The problems on the nose for which people seek revision surgery can be because of two reasons:

  1. These problems were caused by the initial rhinoplasty.
  2. The initial rhinoplasty failed to address the problems and they still exist. 

Patients can experience these issues in aesthetic or functional aspects or both. A revision rhinoplasty surgery that addresses both these issues at the same, can have a drastic impact on the patient’s life with less post-op downtime. 

Is it worth it if you want to correct a specific part?

Usually, patients seek improvement of one or more parts of the nose, such as bulbous tip revision rhinoplasty or scar tissues revision rhinoplasty. And wonder if it is the right decision to have a revisional operation for this purpose.

In short yes. Revision rhinoplasty surgery is absolutely worth it when it comes to addressing problems of specific parts of the nose. To achieve the best results, it is important to identify the problems. Once the surgeon identified the issues of the nose, they attempt to solve them by using the proper techniques. Depending on the nasal deformity, the procedure can be non-surgical with few corrective injections or a complete operation to restore function and aesthetics.

Now, let us discuss the problems of different parts of the nose and how to correct them with secondary rhinoplasty. The most common complaints are:

  • Nasal tip deformities
  • Deviation and nasal obstruction
  • Nasal dorsum deformities
  • Asymmetry

Surgeons address issues of different parts of the nose using unique techniques and maneuvers. Revision surgery techniques for different nasal structures are designed to bring out the best result. Let’s take a look at each one of these techniques.

Tip revision rhinoplasty 

Problems with the tip of the nose are among the most common complaints of patients (2). The most prevalent concerns of the nasal tip are a droopy tip, tip asymmetry, poor tip definition, over-projection, and deviation of the tip.

Surgical techniques for revision rhinoplasty are usually a combination of suturing techniques and grafts. One of the most used techniques for tip revision is the columellar strut graft. In this technique, the surgeon uses cartilage as grafts to create more definition and symmetry on the tip (3). 

Septal revision rhinoplasty

Another frequent complaint of the patients is septal deviation and nasal obstruction. These cause breathing issues and subsequently affect the quality of life. Septal deviation also results in a crooked nose and nasal valve collapse which are aesthetically unpleasant (4). To address these problems surgeons should do a combination of functional and cosmetic surgery. 

Nasal dorsum revision rhinoplasty

Many nasal bridge deformities such as a residual dorsal hump, scooped or overdone bridge, bridge irregularities, dorsal asymmetry, and wide dorsum are among the reasons patients seek revision rhinoplasty surgery. 

Complete revision rhinoplasty

Sometimes patients may present with several complications and deformities on the nose after initial nose surgery. That’s a real challenge for the surgeon to reshape and even recreate the nose. A V deformity is a common complaint that requires excessive surgical intervention. This condition is caused by inadequate osteotomy during primary surgery. (5)

Undergoing this delicate yet complex surgery with a skilled surgeon who has a deep understanding of nasal anatomy and what the patients require increases the chances of a successful rhinoplasty. The surgeon should have years of experience to identify the exact underlying problems and use the proper surgical techniques to solve them.

Factors to consider when deciding if revision rhinoplasty is worth it

In addition to success rates, there are several other factors that you should consider to see if revision rhinoplasty is worth it. Since revision rhinoplasty is a complex surgical procedure, by considering all aspects, you can make wise decisions and improve your beauty in the best way possible. Here is what you should keep in mind.

  • Recovery timeline
  • Risks and complications
  • Choosing the best revision surgeon
  • Criteria to get a revision rhinoplasty
  • Surgery cost

Recovery timeline

The full recovery from secondary rhinoplasty may take up to one year. It is not unusual for a revision nose job to take longer than a primary rhinoplasty to heal and recover.

On the other hand, the nose is undergoing a surgical procedure for the second, third, or even fourth time. Obviously, the healing patterns differ from that of the first time. One factor that we should consider when thinking of revision surgery recovery is the thickness of the skin. Thick skin revision rhinoplasty might take longer to recover. The operation on thick skin is a bit tricky and the swelling usually subsides later. An experienced surgeon knows the best techniques to minimize post-op downtime.

Risks and complications

Just like any other operation, revision rhinoplasty can be associated with risks and complications. The most common ones of which are:

  • Chances of tissue scarring
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Dissatisfaction

Choosing the best revision surgeon

On average, revision rhinoplasty surgeons find around 40% more nasal deformities than patients themselves. Thus, the surgeon who carries out the surgery should identify the underlying problem and have the required skill and knowledge to address them.

You can decide to undergo the operation with the same surgeon who performed the original surgery or you can choose to have it by another surgeon of whose success rates you are certain. Reading the real patients’ stories and looking at before-after pictures can help you choose a reliable surgeon.

Criteria to get a revision rhinoplasty

If you are looking for a way to improve the irregularities and deformities after a previous nose job, revision rhinoplasty is just the option for you. If the initial rhinoplasty was unsuccessful in solving the issues on your nose, you always benefit from the extraordinary results of secondary nose surgery. 

You are an eligible candidate for revision rhinoplasty if you are a healthy non-smoking adult who had an unsuccessful rhinoplasty more than one year ago.

Surgery cost

The price range of secondary rhinoplasty is usually higher than that of primary surgery. This is due to the fact that revision rhinoplasty requires more precise work to reconstruct the nose and restore its function if needed.

Some surgeons who perform the initial nose surgery perform the revision rhinoplasty for free. The final call is yours to decide if you want the same surgeon to perform the revision surgery. The table below shows the revision rhinoplasty cost.

Average price range$9000 – $12,000$10,000 – $15,000$3500 – $6500$4000 – $7000

We reached the end of this article. Do you still ask yourself this question “Is revision rhinoplasty worth it”? we believe now you know your answer. If you still have doubts about if this procedure is right for you, do not hesitate to ask for more detail and help. We will be happy to help you get your desired nose shape.


(1) Neaman KC, Boettcher AK, Do VH, Mulder C, Baca M, Renucci JD, VanderWoude DL. Cosmetic rhinoplasty: revision rates revisited. Aesthet Surg J. 2013 Jan;33(1):31-7. doi: 10.1177/1090820X12469221. PMID: 23277618. 

(2) Loghmani S, Loghmani A, Maraki F. Secondary Rhinoplasty: Aesthetic and Functional Concerns. Plast Surg (Oakv). 2019 Aug;27(3):217-222. doi: 10.1177/2292550319828799. Epub 2019 Mar 28. PMID: 31453141; PMCID: PMC6696868.

(3) Suresh R, Doval AF, Newstrom E, Pham T, Alford EL. Primary and Revision Rhinoplasty: A Single Surgeon Experience and Patient Satisfaction. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2021 Sep 13;9(9):e3798. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000003798. PMID: 34522571; PMCID: PMC8432634.

(4) Loyo M, Wang TD. Revision Rhinoplasty. Clin Plast Surg. 2016 Jan;43(1):177-85. doi: 10.1016/j.cps.2015.09.009. Epub 2015 Oct 21. PMID: 26616705.

(5) Vian HNK, Berger CAS, Barra DC, Perin AP. Revision rhinoplasty: physician-patient aesthetic and functional evaluation. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2018 Nov-Dec;84(6):736-743. doi: 10.1016/j.bjorl.2017.08.011. Epub 2017 Sep 14. PMID: 29074124; PMCID: PMC9442826.


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